
Xmos xscope
Xmos xscope

xmos xscope
  1. #Xmos xscope full
  2. #Xmos xscope software
  3. #Xmos xscope code
  4. #Xmos xscope professional

The new xTIMEcomposer Studio tools support simple extensions to standard C that allow developers to easily describe separate tasks and then to run these in parallel on separate logical cores within the xCORE device.

xmos xscope

#Xmos xscope code

You can simply recompile your existing C code for use on xCORE.”

#Xmos xscope professional

Unlike traditional MCU makers, XMOS offers a complete professional development toolset free-of-charge. “But now, thanks to xTIMEcomposer, it has never been easier for users of conventional MCUs to move to multicore technology. “In the past writing ANSI standard C for multicore systems was challenging,” said Nigel Toon, XMOS CEO.

  • Molex og Mouser genererer ny 'content' om RF-konnektorer til bl.a.Lable as a free-of-charge beta version for download from the XMOS website, the new tools give every engineer familiar with C programming access to the power and flexibility of multicore technology in developing their embedded systems.
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  • The advanced multicore design features have been combined with the most advanced hardware debug capability, and comprehensive one-to-one support, to provide the most advanced industrial grade multicore microcontroller development suite shipping today.

    xmos xscope

    The new xTIMEcomposer-Enterprise tools provide the highest level of design productivity for demanding embedded system applications, says Nigel Toon, XMOS CEO. The xTIMEcomposer-Enterprise tool suite is backed up by comprehensive and integrated one-to-one online support that delivers an assured industrial grade level of response to issues and support enquiries as well as providing on-going, long-term support for customer code releases that are shipping in the field.

    #Xmos xscope software

    As a result software code can meet hardware levels of performance and provide complete functional safety. The xCORE Timing Analyser (XTA) tool, included as part of xTIMEcomposer-Enterprise, allows all timing characteristics to be statically analyzed and timing critical parameters to be defined and maintained through subsequent compiles and code additions. High priority real-time tasks can run to completion without interruption on separate logical processor cores. The tools provide the ability to define very accurate task and I/O timings, giving developers all of the capabilities of an RTOS (real time operating system) but with nanosecond timing accuracy and instant I/O response.

    #Xmos xscope full

    XTIMEcomposer-Enterprise also allows customers to make full use of the deterministic xCORE multicore architecture. Real-time power analysis of the target system is also supported, allowing developers to optimize their code for the most energy efficient operation. I/O signals and internal xCORE signals can be accurately monitored in real-time while the target system is running, with both digital and analog signals available for view in the xSCOPE™ instrumentation tool. This advanced debug hardware solution allows full multicore debug and analysis with accurate real-time trace and fast instrumentation of the target hardware board or system. The comprehensive debug environment is enhanced by the inclusion of a new xTAG-PRO™ multifunction debugger. It allows fully tested – xSOFTip industry standard compliant – peripherals and reference solutions to be easily included as part of the design, and supports modular code and overlays for in-field configuration of xCORE multicore microcontroller programmable system on chip solutions. The new xTIMEcomposer-Enterprise tool suite allows developers of configurable multicore microcontroller products not only to develop in a C or C++ development language but also to include simple extensions that describe parallel tasks.

    Xmos xscope